10 Ways Your Divorce Makes You Even Better Than Before

I don’t think anyone ever responds to the childhood question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” with “Divorced.” Yet, for many of us, the end of a marriage does become part of our life story. I know I don’t have to point out the downsides of divorce to you; after all, they have a way of speaking for themselves.

But what about the upsides? What about the ways that your divorce, even if it was of the unwanted or malignant variety, has made you better than before?

Because whether you realize it or not, divorce (like many other life challenges) has changed you. Shaped you. Strengthened you.

Its harsh grit has left you polished. Its demands have made you grow. And the pain has left its mark. You aren’t the same person you were before. You’re better.

Read the rest at The Good Men Project and join the conversation!

12 thoughts on “10 Ways Your Divorce Makes You Even Better Than Before

  1. I’ll have to agree. I’m not divorced, but my marriage has hit some very difficult patches and I’m really not sure if we will make it. I hope so, but I can’t say.

    That said, the “difficult patch” has been a period of great personal growth for me. I’ve learned a lot about life, love, and what I need out of both. I’ve learned a lot about me.

    My hope remains that this will be something that will allow my marriage to be stronger and healthier than before. If not, at least moving forward I have a clearer understanding of what I need in life.

  2. I totally agree… I have become so much more as a person since my divorce, and have learned alot about myself…. Was my divorce fun? No… Am I still dealing with some of the aftermath year later? Yes… But it’s shaped my resiliences, my knowledge of self worth, what I need to improve upon, and what I need to look for that is compatible with me…
    I choose to view my divorce as a positive..

  3. Reblogged this on sassafrass20's Blog and commented:
    My separation and eventual divorce is a blessing in disguise. I have seen how much I have changed in good ways since last April 3, and I couldn’t be more proud on myself. Love your blog!! You always have great advice 😀

  4. These are spot on. I have grown SO MUCH since becoming divorced. I’m more mature, compassionate, and responsible. I’ve also learned how to be direct about my needs and boundaries. Even though divorce brought me to my proverbial needs, I’m so thankful for the lessons.

  5. For many divorce is not the end, it is the beginning of a new and better life. Those who have been abused or in an unhappy marriage can finally take charge of their lives and do what they want to do. Some even find a wonderful new partner in the future. Divorce is definitely part of their life stories.

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